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HomeSeed Bank FAQ

Seed Bank FAQ

What is the Seed Bank address?


Seeds are sold in the ICPS Store on this web site. The list of seeds available can be viewed only by members.

What seeds are in the Seed Bank?


The seeds in the Seed Bank are donated by members. There are a few dedicated members who put in the effort to produce seeds for the Seed Bank. However, with the advent of easy online sales, fewer seeds get donated to the Seed Bank. Availability of seeds may be limited seasonally. Temperate Drosera, Sarracenia and Dionaea seeds are generally available during the winter and early spring. Tropical Drosera seeds are not as seasonal. Annual Byblis, Darlingtonia, Pinguicula, Utricularia, and Nepenthes make rare appearances.

Members should check back regularly to see what items are available. If there is something you are particularly interested in, please contact the Seed Bank Manager.

How accurate is the identification of the seeds?

Unfortunately some of the seeds in the Seed Bank are not correctly identified. We can't test all the seeds donated by members. And it can take two or more years for the plants to get large enough to be properly identified. We do look at the seeds to see if they appear to be correct but not all species can be distinguished by their seeds.
If you have any reason to believe the seeds you received are not correct, please contact the ICPS Store Manager so we can remove them from the list. We cannot issue refunds but we can replace misidentified seeds.

How many packets can I order?

Members may order up to 40 packets in any 12 month period and may only order one packet of each item listed in any 30 day period. Don't bother asking for two packets of something unless you have a very good reason. Seed orders are recorded in a database so we know your order history. The reasons for these rules are to allow all members to benefit from the Seed Bank and to assure the Seed Bank can continue as a total volunteer operation.

Can I place an order via e-mail or phone?

E-mail orders are accepted only from members who donate seed and are using seed donation credit with the Seed Bank. Orders are not accepted by phone.


How long does it take to get my order?

Expect seed orders in the USA to arrive 2 weeks after the order is placed. If you happen to place an order just before a batch of orders is filled, it could be only 1 week.  If the store manager is out of town or otherwise busy, orders may take an extra week or two.


Is all the seed in the Seed Bank listed in the ICPS Store?

Rare seeds in small quantity are held back and offered first to members who donate seed. This is one of the perks for donating seed to the Seed Bank. If you donate seed, indicate what your wish list is. It may already be in stock!


There are more FAQs on the ICPS Seed Bank web site.


How many packets can I order?

Members may order up to 40 packets in any 12 month period and may only order one packet of each item listed in any 30 day period. Don't bother asking for two packets of something unless you have a very good reason. Seed orders are recorded in a database so we know your order history. The reasons for these rules are to allow all members to benefit from the Seed Bank and to assure the Seed Bank can continue as a total volunteer operation.